Rail Project Completes Five Miles of Guideway

The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation has completed five miles of guideway for Oahu’s rail transit system, which accounts for 25 percent of the project’s elevated guideway work for the 20-mile system. “This is an important milestone,” said Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell. “This is a visual reminder of the fact that we are building our way to a better transportation future. As commuters drive by and look at the guideway, they know that an alternative to sitting in traffic is on the way.” Honolulu City Council Transportation Committee Chairman Joey Manahan also recognized the progress. “With the five miles of guideway completed, the rail project is rapidly moving along with strong hopes of providing the community with an additional alternative transportation mode,” Manahan said. “With this project efficiently reaching another milestone, growth and development of our island is shown through the hard work of all those working on the guideway and with the community’s cooperation.” The five miles of guideway includes more than 215 spans. Each span, which is the portion of guideway between two columns, typically consists of 12 segments. And each segment weighs about 50 tons. “It’s exciting to see the progress and it’s a reminder that there are many people working hard each day to bring the project to fruition,” said HART Executive Director and CEO Dan Grabauskas. “We also want to thank the public for their patience during construction and for driving safely through our construction zones.”

Related Documents:

Rail Project Completes Five Miles of Guideway

Segment 1 Rail Now Open

For information on rail fares, schedules, safety, and operational questions, visit the Department of Transportation Services website. Skyline Hotline: 808-848-5555

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