Home > Contact
We invite you to share your thoughts with us regularly and ask questions when they arise. If you would like to request project information, be placed on our newsletter mailing list, or receive project updates via email, please contact us via email or one of the methods below:
Contact us
Ways to Reach Us
Skyline Operations: 808-848-5555 (opt. 4)
Skyline Email: skyline@honolulu.gov
HART Hotline: 808-566-2299
Office: 808-768-6159
Email: info@honolulutransit.org
US Mail:
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
City and County of Honolulu
1099 Alakea Street, 17th Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Human Resources
Email: harthr@honolulu.gov
HART Board
Email: hartboard@honolulu.gov
Procurement and Contracts
Email: transitmailbox@honolulu.gov
HART Weekly eBlast
Our weekly newsletter will keep you up-to-date about the project, news, construction, and information on upcoming events.
Official request to access a government record
An official request to access a government record can be made by downloading and filling out our interactive PDF document:
Once the form is completed, you can submit your request via the following methods:
- Email to: transitmailbox@honolulu.gov
- Mail to:Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
Attention: Public Information Requests
City and County of Honolulu
1099 Alakea Street, 17th Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813
Project Status
The Overall Construction and Design Project Progress is based on the Estimate at Completion for the 2022 Recovery Plan scope to Ka‘ākaukukui (Civic Center) Station and the March 2031 Operational Readiness date.