Status of Kūwili Station (Iwilei) – Brownfields Remediation Work

In cooperation with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), HART is performing cleanup activities within a portion of the Iwilei Station located at 533/537 Kaaahi Street (TMK 1-5-007-023) with the use of USEPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant funding (Grant ID number 99T56501).

HART, in coordination with the Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH), completed further site characterization for approximately 16,426 square feet of the subject property in September 2019. The characterization included the analysis of soil, groundwater, and soil gas samples. Results indicated that concentrations of arsenic in soil for some locations of the property (ranging in depths between approximately one and five feet below the ground surface) exceeded the HDOH Commercial/Industrial environmental action levels. Groundwater and soil gas results did not exceed these action levels.

A volume of approximately 1,400 cubic yards of soil was identified as requiring excavation and disposal. With HDOH approval, the identified soil will be excavated by HART and disposed of at a permitted landfill. Clean fill soil will then be brought in and used to restore the property prior to constructing the station. Cleanup activities are scheduled to begin in April 2020 and last for several weeks.

Please submit questions and comments regarding this remediation work to Ms. Wai Yi Ng at

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