1.0 Overview
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (“HART”) is a semi-autonomous agency of
the City and County of Honolulu (“City”), created pursuant to an amendment to the Revised
Charter of the City and County of Honolulu 1973 (“RCH”) to develop, operate, and maintain the
Honolulu Rail Transit Project (“HRTP”). This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is issued by
HART to identify Persons qualified to submit competitive sealed proposals for the Owner
Controlled Insurance Program of the HRTP. “Persons” means any individual, firm, corporation,
company, LLC, LLP, joint venture, voluntary association, partnership, trust, or public or private
organization, other legal entity, or combination thereof.
1.1 HRTP Description
The HRTP will provide high-capacity rapid transit service in the travel corridor between East
Kapolei and Ala Moana Center. This corridor includes the majority of housing and employment
on O’ahu. The north-south width of the corridor is a maximum of four (4) miles, with the
corridor constrained by the Ko’olau and Wai’anae Mountain Ranges to the north and the Pacific
Ocean to the south.
The HRTP is identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (“FEIS”) as the design,
construction and operation of a twenty (20) mile grade-separated fixed guideway transit system
between East Kapolei and Ala Moana Center. All parts of the guideway will be elevated, except
near Leeward Community College where it will be at-grade. The system will incorporate steel
wheel on steel rail technology. The HRTP includes twenty-one (21) stations, one (1) Rail
Operations Center (ROC), and eighty (80) light metro vehicles and associated core systems.
The FEIS was released in June 2010 and a Final Supplemental EIS and Amended Record of
Decision (ROD) were released in September 2013. The FEIS and additional information on the
HRTP can be found at: http://honolulutransit.org.
The Project, excluding park-and-ride facilities, is currently separated into three operating segments,
as follows:
- Operating Segment 1 – West Side Stations and Guideway: East Kapolei Station to Aloha
Stadium Station. - Operating Segment 2 – Airport Guideway and Stations: Aloha Stadium Station to Middle Street
Transit Center. - Operating Segment 3 – City Center Guideway and Stations: Middle Street Transit Center to Ala
Moana Transit Center.
HART’s request for a modification of the FFGA scope has been reviewed and considered sufficient
at this time for the project to move forward by the FTA. Operating Segment 3 will end at the Civic
Center Station, and a fourth operating segment would address the final 1.25 miles of guideway,
the Kaka’ako Station and the Ala Moana Center Station in a separate phase of the Project.
1.2 Owner Controlled Insurance Program (“OCIP”) III
HART has implemented an OCIP for construction contractor and subcontractor Work performed
on the Project Site and at designated off-site facilities. OCIP coverage includes workers
compensation, general liability and excess liability. HART has also acquired builders risk
coverage related to construction of the Project. The current OCIP insurance coverage and builders risk coverage was acquired using brokerage services provided under a separate HART
HART is seeking a Consultant to assist HART in the evaluation, administration and management
of the OCIP and other HART insurance policies.
This solicitation does not contemplate the Offeror will provide actual insurance products and
services, or premium costs or broker services under this, and costs of such products or services
shall not be included in the Price Proposal as these will be procured separately.
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