Jared N. Kawashima Appointed to the HART Board of Directors
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Board of Directors announced the appointment of Jared Kawashima to the HART Board of Directors. Kawashima was selected by the Senate President of the Hawaiʻi State Legislature, Ron Kouchi, on February 14, 2025 as a Legislative Appointee to the board.
CEO Receives Construction Manager Certification Institute Coin of Excellence Award
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) today announced that HART Executive Director and CEO Lori Kahikina, P.E., has been awarded the Construction Manager Certification Institute (CMCI) Gold Coin of Excellence.
HART Issues Contractor Notice To Proceed for City Center Guideway and Stations
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) today announced it issued a Notice to Proceed to Tutor Perini Corporation related to a recently awarded contract for City Center Guideway and Stations design and construction.
Christopher Moylan Appointed to the HART Board
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Executive Director and CEO Lori Kahikina,
P.E. issued the following statement regarding the appointment of Christopher Moylan to the HART Board of
HART CEO Receives New Multi-Year Contract
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) today announced that the HART Board of Directors approved a multi-year contract for HART Executive Director and CEO Lori Kahikina.
HART Board of Directors Selects Lisa Baker as its Ninth Voting Member
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Board of Directors today announced that it selected Lisa Baker to fill the vacant ninth voting member position.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Awards Contract for City Center Guideway and Stations
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) today announced the award of a contract for the design and construction of the next segment of the Honolulu rail transit project, referred to as the City Center Guideway and Stations (CCGS) contract, to Tutor Perini Corporation at a contract price of approximately $1.66 billion.
Application deadline extended for HART Board of Directors Ninth Voting Member position applications
The application deadline for the ninth voting member position for the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Board of Directors has been extended to Friday, July 19, 2024.
HART Board of Directors seeking applicants for Ninth Voting Member position
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Board of Directors is seeking applicants for the ninth voting member position on the Board for the remainder of the term that expires on June 30, 2028.
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Works with Community Groups to Repurpose Wood from Dillingham Boulevard
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) is pleased to announce that commemorative ‘umeke (bowls) distributed at the Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC) on June 16, 2024, were repurposed and crafted from the true kamani trees HART’s construction crews removed from Dillingham Boulevard in 2023 to make way for utility relocations along the construction corridor.
Honolulu Authority For Rapid Transportation Issues Safety Advisory As Third Rail Is Energized From Aloha Stadium Station To Middle Street Station
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) announced today that the “third rail” for the second operating segment of the Skyline rail system
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Receives $125 Million in Federal Funding
The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) announced that on Wednesday, April 24, it received the $125 million in federal funding for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project (the Project) from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
HART Weekly eBlast
Our weekly newsletter will keep you up-to-date about the project, news, construction, and information on upcoming events.
Project Status
The Overall Construction and Design Project Progress is based on the Estimate at Completion for the 2022 Recovery Plan scope to Ka‘ākaukukui (Civic Center) Station and the March 2031 Operational Readiness date.