HART To Add 800 Train Car Seats


The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART), at the
direction of its board of directors, announced Thursday that
it will pursue adding 800 passenger seats to its rail-car

Seating in each two-car train will increase by more than 25
percent, going from 76 to 96 seats, while still retaining room
for luggage, bikes and surfboards, according to HART CEO and
Executive Director Daniel Grabauskas.

“The public has told us that they would like more seats on the
trains and we’ve listened,” Grabauskas said. “The increased
seating will be designed to enhance the riding experience and
to increase passenger comfort.”

Grabauskas said the cost for the additional seats will be made
up by savings incurred from recent cuts to HART’s budget.

“Any cost savings we can yield will be redirected to the design
and construction of the rail system,” Grabauskas said. “Oahu’s
state-of-the art rail system will be safe, reliable and
comfortable. And the addition of seats is part of that overall
goal.We need to be flexible and open to making adjustments
that are in consumers’ and taxpayers’ best interest – and
that’s what we’ve done here.”

The 20-mile rail transit route will run from East Kapolei to Ala
Moana Center, with stops at major employment and destination
centers, including Aloha Stadium, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu
International Airport and Downtown Honolulu near Aloha Tower.Trains
will arrive every three minutes at the stations during morning and
afternoon rush hours.

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Segment 1 Rail Now Open

For information on rail fares, schedules, safety, and operational questions, visit the Department of Transportation Services website. Skyline Hotline: 808-848-5555

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