HART Begins Column Work along H-1 Waiawa Interchange

HART Begins Column Work along H-1 Waiawa Interchange

Column work has begun for the section of Honolulu’s elevated rail line that will cross over the H-1/H-2 Freeway merge between Waipahu and Pearl City.

In July, crews are scheduled to pour concrete for the first column located in the freeway medians at the H-1 Waiawa Interchange. Several support columns need to be erected before guideway construction can begin later this fall, connecting the rail line between the Leeward Community College and Pearl Highlands train stations.

Preparation work this week will involve the overnight closure of one southbound lane of the H-2 Freeway near the Waiawa Interchange (H-1/H-2 merge) from tonight (Monday) to Wednesday, July 2 between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. the following morning.

“Rail construction continues near the H-1/H-2 Freeway area with the first support column going up for the planned rail guideway,” said HART CEO and Executive Director Dan Grabauskas. “We ask the drivers for their continued patience and understanding during the work and to be mindful of our crews stationed along the freeway.”

For the safety of both the work crews and motorists, the public is advised to proceed with caution through the construction area. Drivers should provide a safe distance between their vehicles and workers and equipment.

The first 10 miles of the rail system from East Kapolei to Aloha Stadium is expected to open in 2017, with the full 20-mile line ready for service in 2019.

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Segment 1 Rail Now Open

For information on rail fares, schedules, safety, and operational questions, visit the Department of Transportation Services website. Skyline Hotline: 808-848-5555

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