HART Special Board of Directors and Finance Committee Meeting

Meeting Held via Videoconferencing Pursuant to Act 220, Session Laws of Hawaii 2021, with audiovisual connection to the meeting available to the public at Ali’i Place, 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 150 (entrance on Richards Street)

Members of the public may view the meeting in person a the location specified above, by internet live streaming at https://olelo.org/tune-in/, by televised live broadcast on Olelo TV channel 54. Meeting Materials (“board packet” HRS Section 92-7.5) are available for public inspection at honolulutransit.org

Should the audiovisual connection to the broadcast be interrupted, the meeting will be recessed and reconvened when communication is reestablished. If audio-only communication is established, those agenda items for which visual aids are not available for all participants shall not be acted upon at the meeting. If it is not possible to reconvene the meeting after an interruption to communication within 30 minutes, the meeting will be terminated and the remainder of the meeting agenda items will be taken up at the next scheduled Committee or Board of Directors meeting, pursuant to HRS Section 93-3.7(c).

Public testimony may be submitted in person at the time and location specified above, in writing via U.S. mail to HART Board of Directors, 1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, via email to hartboard@honolulu.gov, or by Zoom Videoconferencing technology. To participate via videoconferencing technology, persons should either: (1) click on meeting link https://zoom.us/j/2874918713?pwd=eXVWVVRFZDRvdFlHdWhEVlBjUG1CQT09 or (2) visit www.zoom.us, click “Join Meeting,” and enter meeting number 287 491 8713. You do not need to register in advance to testify at the meeting.

After the meeting, the meeting will be viewable at youtube.com/c/HonoluluRailTransit.

If you require special assistance, auxiliary aid and/or service to participate in this event (i.e. sign language interpreter, interpreter for language other than English, or wheelchair accessibility), please contact Cindy Matsushita at (808) 864-2758 or email your request to hartboard@honolulu.gov as soon as possible, preferably at least three business days prior to the event. if a request is received thereafter, we will try to obtain the auxiliary aid/service or accommodation, but it is less likely that we will have adequate time to fulfill the request.

Meeting materials (“board packet” HRS Section 92-7.5) are available for public inspection by clicking on the agenda below.

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Live HART Board Meeting coverage provided by ‘Ōlelo Community Media

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May 06 2022
9:00 am

The event is finished.

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