HART Statement regarding Federal Funding

HART Statement regarding Federal Funding

HART executive director and CEO Daniel Grabauskas issued the
following statement regarding the U.S. Senate Appropriations
Committee approval of a transportation funding bill that includes
federal funds for the Honolulu rail transit project.

“This is great news.We are pleased that the $250 million in
federal funds that President Obama had included in his FY2013
budget in February for the Honolulu rail project continues to move
forward through Congress.”

“We are truly grateful to Senator Inouye, who chairs the Senate
Appropriation Committee, and the rest of our Hawaii congressional
delegation for their continued efforts in providing federal funding
for this very important project for Oahu commuters. This shows
great confidence in the project and reflects we are on the right
path to receive the $1.55 billion in federal funding.”

The Senate measure now goes before the full Senate for a vote
before going to conference with the U.S. House. So far, the
Honolulu rail project has already been allotted $120 million in
federal funding.

A copy of Sen. Inouye’s press release can be viewed at:


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Segment 1 Rail Now Open

For information on rail fares, schedules, safety, and operational questions, visit the Department of Transportation Services website. Skyline Hotline: 808-848-5555

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