HART & Ansaldo Honolulu JV Reach Significant Milestone in the Operation of the Rail Transit Project

HART & Ansaldo Honolulu Joint Venture reached a critical milestone today in the completion of the Honolulu Rail Transit Project and the start-up of operations.

At HART’s Rail Operations Center (ROC) in Waipahu, engineers successfully brought on-line the Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) Display System in the ROC’s Operations Control Center. Using ATS, technicians can now begin running simulations of actual operations, which is essential in testing the operational scenarios for the autonomous trains used in the Project.

The ATS uses eight large monitors to display a layout of the entire 20-mile project and all associated infrastructure vital to rail operations. Control personnel will use the system to control and monitor trains during interim and full-service operations.

The system provides live camera feeds across the entire system to give technicians full view of all stations and guideways, as well as onboard views of the trains. In addition to visual displays, the ATS is also designed as a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, allowing technicians to survey rail traffic, monitor energized portions of the rail line, and receive other vital information.

Attached to this press release are photos of the ATS/SCADA System at HART’s Rail Operations Center.

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For information on rail fares, schedules, safety, and operational questions, visit the Department of Transportation Services website. Skyline Hotline: 808-848-5555

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