HART and HHF Planners receive historic preservation honor award

On Friday, May 21, 2021, HART and its consultant, HHF Planners were (virtually) presented with a Programmatic Award for their Mother Waldron Playground Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) during the 47th Annual Preservation Honor Awards Ceremony, via livestream from the Hawai‘i Theatre Center. Since 1975, the Preservation Honor Awards program has offered the local community an opportunity to share, recognize and applaud excellence in historic preservation throughout the State of Hawai‘i, and HART is delighted to count our work among the 2021 honorees.

The Mother Waldron Playground CLR is one of three reports completed by HART and its consultants as part of the Project’s required mitigation of adverse impacts to Historic and Cultural Resources along the alignment. In addition to the Mother Waldron Playground report, HART’s Section 106 Programmatic Agreement also stipulated the creation of CLRs for Irwin Memorial Park and Walker Park. Each CLR documents the history and significance of the historic designed landscape as well as the historical and cultural contexts that influenced changes to the physical landscape. The CLRs also describe how these landscapes have changed over time, evaluates their integrity, and provides treatment recommendations for long-term management. Learn more about Project’s and read the Mother Waldron Playground CLR.

This 1938 photo depicts the nighttime use of the basketball court. Also visible are the 5-foot-high wall along Lana Lane and the low curb wall in front of it, with plantings between.
(Source: Honolulu Park Board, Your Parks: Annual Report for 1938)

Photo of the junior playground from the main entrance of Mother Waldron Playground along Coral Street, ca. 1938. Young tree plantings are protected within the lattice cages. The Ko‘olau Mountains are prominent in the background. (Source: Honolulu Park Board, Your Parks: Annual Report for 1938)

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